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Product update: Aloware’s power dialer just got better!

Hail, the Power Dialer. It dials leads for you, detects bad numbers, and automatically drops voicemails. With all the time it has saved us, who thought it can actually get even better?

These past few weeks, we’ve worked on the Power Dialer to elevate your agents’ experience. Happy agents, happy customers.

With this set of updates, your agents get to organize, control, and improve the flow as they work hand in hand with automation.

Organization hack. Order Power Dialer tasks by timezone, so your agents get better chances of connecting. What more, Aloware can check if you’re calling during your contact’s day time. Tick “Skip outside day times” in your Power Dialer, and never waste a second ringing leads during odd hours again.


Skip outside daytimes


Agent control. Let agents skip contacts as they know would work best. When there’s a better time to call or would prefer to text, this new “Skip task” button comes in handy. It will push the contact to the bottom of the queue, and the dialer will move on to the next lead right away.


Skip call task


Richer interactions. Tick “Open contact page” to display all records you have of your lead. It’s become so much easier to backtrack conversations and review integration cards for context. This also means that you can now send text messages as you go!


Open Contact Page


Try these out and please let us know what your team thought. We really hope it gives everyone a boost!