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How Aloware helped a business prune leads and drive sales: an anonymous case study

In sales, the ability to prioritize and focus on the highest-quality leads is critical. Managing large contact lists can become overwhelming, and spending time on unengaged leads can hurt your productivity. Enter Aloware’s bulk SMS broadcast—a tool that helped a growing business prune their lead list and focus on high-quality prospects, resulting in increased conversions and more efficient outreach.

In this case study, we’ll look at how one anonymous business used Aloware’s bulk SMS feature to clean up their old lead list, re-engage interested prospects, and achieve significant improvements in their sales performance.

Background: A bloated lead list, low engagement

Our client, a mid-sized software company, had built up a large lead list over several years through various campaigns, events, and referrals. With over ~6,500 contacts in their database, it became increasingly difficult to determine which leads were still relevant. Many contacts had gone cold, and their sales team was wasting time trying to reach unengaged leads. Their challenge was simple: reduce the clutter and focus on the leads that mattered.

Key challenges:

  • Large, outdated lead list
  • High time investment with low engagement
  • Difficulty identifying and focusing on high-potential prospects

Solution: Pruning leads with Aloware’s bulk SMS

The company turned to Aloware’s bulk SMS broadcast tool to tackle their lead list problem. With a targeted SMS campaign, they sent out messages to all ~6,500 leads to gauge interest and engagement. The text invited leads to reconnect and provided a clear opt-out option for those no longer interested.

  • Campaign objective: Engage existing leads and prune the list by allowing unengaged contacts to opt-out.
  • Broadcast setup: A simple, personalized SMS message was sent to each contact, offering more information or an easy opt-out.

Example message: “Hey [First Name], we haven’t heard from you in a while! Are you still interested in learning more about [Product/Service]? Reply YES to stay connected or STOP to opt out.”

This initial campaign not only allowed uninterested contacts to easily remove themselves from future outreach, but it also helped the company identify who remained interested in their offering.

See also:

Results: A leaner, higher-quality lead list

Within the first 48 hours of launching the SMS broadcast, ~22% of the contacts opted out, resulting in an immediate reduction in their list size. However, the real value came from the ~78% of leads who stayed on the list, many of whom responded positively to the message.

In addition to reducing the number of irrelevant contacts, the company was able to identify ~350 highly engaged leads who replied with specific questions or requests for more information. These contacts were prioritized for follow-up by the sales team, leading to an increase in meaningful conversations and more efficient time management.

Key data points:

  • ~6,500 initial leads reduced to ~5,000 after opt-outs
  • ~350 high-priority leads identified for immediate follow-up
  • ~18% increase in call pickup rates after SMS engagement

Long-term impact: Increased conversions and better list management

By pruning their lead list, the company was able to improve their outreach efficiency and focus on prospects who were genuinely interested in their product. Their sales team no longer wasted time chasing cold leads and instead concentrated on those most likely to convert. Within ~two months, the company saw a ~12% increase in conversions and an overall improvement in their sales pipeline health.

Why this matters for your business

Pruning your lead list isn’t just about reducing the number of contacts—it’s about improving the quality of your outreach. By removing uninterested contacts, you can focus your efforts on leads that are more likely to convert, saving time and resources. Aloware’s bulk SMS broadcast is an ideal tool for cleaning up your database, re-engaging old leads, and setting your sales team up for success.