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Crush quotas from home: A salesperson’s guide

Talking on the phone for hours in your jammies must be the new normal for most salespeople today. While remote working is saving you from the commute, the annoying office elevators, and trying to look your best (at least from the waist down), it also puts you on different kinds of daily struggles.

Productivity barriers, communication problems, distractions, and so much more can now have the power to stop you from meeting your sales quotas. Simply getting in the zone to reach your daily goals can be ten times more difficult when you’re not in the office. However, it is not impossible if you know how to deal with it like a real salesperson.


How to keep crushing quotas from home (or anywhere, really)

1 – Separate yourself and eat that frog

Stop assuming that your bedside desk is enough. If you have the luxury of space in your home, work on a little office nook or room where you can separate yourself from anyone in the house and away from your bed. Remote work distractions can happen anytime – your dog barks, you see your soft and cushy bed, a fridge full of snacks, or your kids running around the house.


eat the frog


It may also work to set your daily schedule like how you would in your office. Use the ‘eat the frog’ method – tackle the most important tasks first, down to the least. This will help you finish your priority items early, so you won’t have to deal with them at the last minute, or before your kids start waking up and playing around.


2 – Plan based on metrics

Planning your day with a specific goal is ideal, however, you should first see how realistic they are. Start by checking your metrics to see where you’ve left off, which leads you should be contacting first, and what are the tasks that need more attention.


Metrics planning


Setting goals just by simply setting one can be frustrating once you’ve failed to accomplish them. It’s better if you’re working with a tool that can show you a daily summary of metrics and trends, so you’ll know how to plan your goals for the day. Invest in a tool that provides real-time analytics of customer data, a dashboard of your sales progress, or if you’re managing teams, a review of your team’s daily metrics.


3 – Invest in remote-friendly tools

Plenty of productivity tools have made remote working possible. For sales, investing on a cloud contact center software should be a top priority. Opt for one that lets you handle calls, texts, and all client communications in one place.


everything in the cloud


Look for a tool that’s easy to set up, use, and is conducive whether you’re at home or office. These days, you can never be too certain, that’s why choosing a phone system that you can bring with you anywhere you go is ideal. This way, you can also talk to customers on any device or any place you’d find fitting for productivity.


4 – Power dial your leads

Power dialing takes a whole different approach to sales productivity. For small and big teams struggling with quotas especially while working from home, you should give power dialing a go.

main sales dialer


Some power dialers even offer smart call solutions for sales teams. They’re so advanced that they can skip bad numbers and voicemails for you, letting you focus on high-quality calls and engaged leads. The great thing about having them is that you can also integrate it with your CRM, so all your leads can be promptly followed up.


5 – Automate your workflows

If you’re still thinking that using automation in your contact center may not be a good idea, it’s time we get you acquainted. Automating your contact center is never just about programming a bot to speak with your leads. It’s getting repetitive tasks done without or with lesser human intervention.


automation img


Suppose you have to talk to 500 leads in one day. By using automation, you can make sure that all these leads are getting the best attention while you set up to talk to them at your own pace. You can let automation handle follow-ups for you while you talk to high-value customers. With a contact center solution powered by automation, you can organize lead lists and set up automated calls, texts, or follow-up sequences, and get everything moving along with you.


6 – Manage teams efficiently

If you’re managing a sales team, not being able to see them face-to-face while they work on their quotas can be a little unnerving. However, you might also come off as a little annoying if you start asking them what they’re doing from time to time. To ace managing teams remotely, you should know how to balance.


Managing teams virtually


Another way that can help is to start switching your operations to a more transparent setup for you and your team. Find a cloud contact center solution that manages your agents’ activities, and lets you see analytics and data updated in real-time. Most contact center solutions offer team management features like call whispers, call coaching and advanced routing. 


7 – Take breaks

Simply because you are human, you should take a break once in a while. However, your little breaks must still be controlled. Veer away from things that can take your attention fully. For example, you can opt for a quick run around the neighborhood rather than switching to a full couch-potato mode in front of your TV.


Take breaks from work



When longer breaks are necessary, like running an important errand, mobile-ready solutions come in handy.  This is possible if your whole team is working in a contact center software that runs in the cloud. It keeps you connected while away from your computer in case there is anything that needs immediate attention.


9 – Stop overworking

Working from home is never an excuse to clock in more working hours just because you feel that you have more time in your hands. Discipline yourself to only work on the hours you are expected to. As much as it is stressful, this is also an unhealthy habit that you have to let go of.


Working late


If you’re the one running a team, make sure that your sales representatives are getting time off after office hours. Keep in touch with team members and observe signs of burnout, so you can work on a different approach of handling tasks and setting quotas. 


Work from anywhere with Aloware

Being a salesperson during these uncertain times is tough. It is important to keep stress at bay while making sure you’re still killing it with your daily goals as you work from home. To help you boost productivity and power up your sales team to keep crushing quotas, you can get started with Aloware

Armed with smart and advanced tools for sales productivity, Aloware makes it easier to engage with customers and win deals from home or just about anywhere! Talk to us and let’s help you set up a more efficient contact center.