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Tried-and-tested real estate marketing ideas to boost your business growth

In the real estate world, 80% of potential customers choose the first real estate agent they find to help them buy or sell a home. You have to keep your name and your brand front and center in the minds of potential customers so that when the moment arrives, the one agent they think of and reach out to is you.

Real estate marketing: What it is & why it matters

Real estate marketing is an innovative way to attract more listings and customers by building an online presence that emphasizes what your experience and expertise can do for past, present, and future customers. 

Real estate marketing matters because, despite the fact that real estate can be a lucrative business, most agents don’t last a year and 28% have second jobs. Customers who buy and sell homes say they’ll definitely use their agent again but that is rarely true.


Its core benefits include increasing your business through constant communication with your customer base. You want to keep yourself present and available, particularly to past customers because that’s where you’ll get repeat business and the ever-elusive real estate referral. Homebuyers usually visit with one realtor and hire them right away. The main benefit of real estate marketing is that it doesn’t leave those connections to chance.

7 real estate marketing ideas that just work

  1. Use email marketing to connect with buyers & sellers
  2. Create an immersive homebuying experience
  3. Leverage social media to post new homes & content
  4. Try ppc ads to reach new buyers or potential sellers
  5. Use social proof and referral marketing 
  6. Try strategic partnerships with other businesses, real estate influencers, or community leaders
  7. Use automated omnichannel marketing 

7 Ways

Email Marketing  1. Use email marketing to connect with buyers & sellers

Email marketing is a popular form of direct digital marketing because it allows for a direct line of communication with potential buyers and sellers. It is relatively inexpensive in the scheme of things and can focus on any particular target audience you choose.

Tip: Focus on building your email list by using a great lead magnet. Sometimes the lead magnet will solve a real problem or simply ask pertinent questions:

For potential sellers: “Did I miss my selling window?” 

For present homeowners: “What is the value of your home post-COVID?”

For buyers: “What is the most exciting underrated neighborhood?”

Buying Experience  2. Create an immersive homebuying experience

An immersive experience lets your customers interact with your brand or product. It’s an adventure traveling through rooms and can be even more imaginative by adding digitally staged rooms. This helps customers visualize how expansive rooms can be and how their own personal decorative styles could mix in with the space.

Tip: Try virtual tours as a modern way to immerse and engage with your customers. Link these virtual tours on social media as well as your own website. This will draw customers in and have them declaring that they want the same immersive experience that someone else got.

Social Media  3. Leverage social media to post new homes & content

Social media is everywhere today. Each platform is slightly different, but they all let you share and engage with customers in your community and niche. For example, Instagram is excellent for posting pictures of customers’ homes that are both for sale and already bought. Homes within completed transactions can be turned into Facebook or Instagram stories, highlighting what was done differently to buy or sell the home. 

Tip: Get involved and add value to your community by commenting on others’ posts. Use hashtags strategically to focus on adding value to your customers’ lives and not just making posts about what you’re selling.

P ADs  4. Try PPC ads to reach new buyers or potential sellers

Pay-per-click, or PPC ads, are a form of paid advertising where you only pay when someone clicks on your ads. Google Ads is a common example. 

Tip: Choose a company that can perform audience research and customize your ads to be hyper-relevant to your target audience. Be sure to analyze results to guide future PPC investments. 

Referral Marketing  5. Use social proof & referral marketing

In marketing, social proof is the idea that people will copy the actions of others to emulate a particular behavior. This serves as a way to add credibility and authority to your brand and marketing. 

Referral marketing is key. Strategically placed posts, emails, and website updates can make a tremendous difference. Ask yourself what you are doing with past customers to provide them value from your emails or posts and turn them into customers who refer clients to you.

Tip: Case studies, testimonials, and customer reviews are all great ways to use social proof. Strive to make that case study into a story that will touch others. Picture the actual family and describe what attracted them to the house.

Partnership  6. Try strategic partnerships with other businesses, real estate influencers, or community leaders

Strategic partnerships involve working or collaborating with others in your industry or niche. Perhaps one of your sales touched some famous YouTuber or an Instagram influencer. They may agree to mention your brand or post a pic of your latest property. Any exposure, no matter how small, can keep you top of mind in potential customers’ minds.

Tip: Work with people who share your same values and audience, for example, a local celebrity or an icon with elder populations. Be clear with your partnerships about roles and responsibilities no matter who you choose.

Automated marketing  7. Use automated omnichannel marketing

Possibly the most underrated marketing strategy is omnichannel marketing. This means using multiple communication channels and platforms for both promotional and brand-building efforts. For example, Aloware handles smart routing and autoresponders to make sure every new lead is handled. It also lets you find digitized customer information and touchpoints at your fingertips for easy reference in calls and other follow-up efforts.

Tip: Choose platforms and messaging apps that your customers are already using. Perhaps most of your clients use Facebook (or Meta). If so, link your account to your website and your website to your social media accounts. Use lively and consistently updated content or customers will think you’re just as sloppy with your buying or selling performance. 

Ready to boost your real estate business’ growth?

Now that tried and true ideas have been presented, consider learning more about these overall marketing strategies. You can demonstrate your commitment to personally delivering better customer experiences through any omnichannel marketing strategy you choose, especially with the help of a contact center solution like Aloware. This decision will result in higher customer satisfaction, greater listing inventory, a larger customer base, and ultimately huge profitability. Book a demo now.