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Boost prospect engagement with streamlined bulk SMS

Stay compliant while texting large volumes of leads to share new sales promotions, announcements, and more. Re-engage stale leads, refine outreach lists, and increase call pickup rates by safely sending bulk messages.

  • Leverage CRM lists to launch wide scale text campaigns
  • Revive cold leads by tracking text engagement
  • Optimize deliverability rates and speed
  • Manage opt-outs and confirm unsubscribes automatically
  • Handle replies hassle-free with our AI SMS bot

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The compliance you need to text thousands of leads

The compliance you need to text thousands of leads

Never stress about breaking compliance laws again when you launch text campaigns. Our SMS broadcast feature keeps your bulk texting in check while optimizing deliverability, so you can engage leads without breaking any rules.

  • Stay within A2P 10DLC message per second limitations with text scheduling and throttling
  • Confirm opt-outs immediately and prevent future texts to unsubscribed contacts
  • Use local presence to make your area code match every prospect’s area code
Maximum lead engagement, minimal effort

Maximum lead engagement, minimal effort

Breathe fresh life into old leads by tracking their engagement with your bulk messages. Prune lead lists by quickly identifying the most interested prospects, and keep leads warm without straining your sales team resources.

  • Introduce yourself to leads before calling (increasing the likelihood they’ll answer!)
  • Text verified, valid mobile numbers while avoiding landlines and inactive numbers
  • Invite prospects to call you first to identify the hottest leads
  • Manage high volumes of replies with our always-on AI SMS bot
  • Personalize text templates and add media to maximize engagement
Convenient CRM integrations to simplify your workflow

Convenient CRM integrations to simplify your workflow

Use the power of accurate, real-time CRM data to improve your SMS campaigns. Keep your outreach consistent with updated CRM lists and feel confident about lead quality.

  • Import lead lists from your CRM in one click
  • Launch text campaigns from right inside HubSpot without toggling tabs
  • Refine lead lists by measuring campaign performance
Why consider SMS broadcast (bulk texting)?

Why consider SMS broadcast (bulk texting)?

SMS broadcast is perfect for promoting time-sensitive sales offers, sharing information that impacts large groups of people, and driving leads toward a call to action. Here are just a few ways Aloware customers successfully use it to reach audiences.

  • Advertising holiday sales promotions
  • Communicating changes to your operations or customer experience
  • Driving leads to your website or another platform to complete an action
  • Inviting leads to self-identify for further outreach

Take it from our happy customers

Kevin Ramproop
Kevin Ramproop
CTO at Express Trucking Group
"The automated dialer feature is a huge plus, allows me to put all my leads in a list and blast the phone really fast. if the customer is not available (which is usually the case) I send them a text automatically."
Hayato Hori
Hayato Hori
CEO at RocketOffr
"Aloware introduced us to SMS marketing for home sellers and wholesale real estate. We’ve been able to triple our homes under contract acquisition with Aloware SMS marketing and dialer combined."
Patricia Araiza
Patricia Araiza
Manager, Sales Development at GoSite
"I am a manager who is using Aloware for our team of 100 SDRs. I love the support that Anoosh and Sohrab have given us. When we experienced an issue we were able to reach out to them directly to get it fixed. I also liked the flexibility that they provided us, by customizing and tailoring Aloware to our needs."
Ryan Buswell
Ryan Buswell
CEO at JustPressOne, Inc.
"Everything about Aloware is amazing. They are really creating a phone system of the future and every time we have an idea, they implement it ASAP. Its exciting to be apart of something so revolutionary and seeing it grow everyday into a more and more powerful too, helps us become a ever more efficient company."
Patrick D.
Patrick D.
"I like the in-depth configuration; and the support team, they are quick and punctual, and they report any significant issues to the engineering team; just about anything you’d want out of a call system Aloware offers."
Samantha S.
Samantha S.
Call Center Supervisor
"Aloware works well and gets the job done and I thoroughly enjoy the mobile application as well. It helps me conduct business on the go and always be available for my leads."
Dave N.
Dave N.
Sales director
"I love all of the customization options. Our usage is a bit unique. They are taking the time to help implement a process that works best for our agents."
Brandon S.
Brandon S.
Assistant Director of Admissions
"Aloware works well and gets the job done and I thoroughly enjoy the mobile application as well. It helps me conduct business on the go and always be available for my leads."
Erica C.
Erica C.
Customer service rep
"I love how you can use Aloware within HubSpot. I’m able to work off of one page instead of multiple pages."