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Case Study: How Sales Momentum uses Aloware to transform client HubSpot workflows

Sales Momentum helps high-ticket consulting agencies streamline their sales operations in HubSpot to maximize productivity and revenue. When their clients needed a powerful way to sync phone system data in HubSpot and automate outreach workflows, Sales Momentum turned to Aloware as their partner of choice—and three years later, they’re highly impressed with the results. 

“The HubSpot integration beats other dialers’ and allows reps to do everything in one platform,” says CEO and founder Aaron Platt. “Whether it’s sending SMS, loading the power dialer, or scoring leads, Aloware gives us the specific functionality we need to drive these teams.” 

By leading HubSpot migrations or optimizing existing setups for their agency clients, Sales Momentum has a winning track record of increasing conversion rates. Platt knew it was critical to recommend the right contact center and did his homework testing various solutions—but it wasn’t long before Aloware emerged as the clear winner. 

“With the other tools, everything was a workaround or a Band-Aid for the most part—they’re great tools, but not for how we needed them,” Platt explains. “We used Aircall for a while but it had no functionality within workflows.” 

Platt cites the depth of Aloware’s integration and its workflow support for calling and texting as a key differentiator, which has since helped his team successfully complete 300+ client projects. He notes that Aloware’s prioritization of 1:1 sales conversations (quality over quantity) and its convenient mobile app also sweetened the deal. 

“Some of the other companies have good features, but they’re not integrated into our process like we needed them to be,” he explains. “And we’re not going to change our process because we know what works.” 

Setting up success through onboarding 

As Aloware is a critical component to their customers’ success, Sales Momentum is invested in making them comfortable with the platform. Platt’s team leads training and onboarding for all clients, and he says Aloware’s turnkey capabilities always make it a short learning curve.

“There’s not a big gap in speed to value,” he says. “Transferring phone numbers from one platform to another is easy, and as long as [clients] set up the backend campaigns early we don’t see any issues.” 

After conducting a thorough process audit for each client, building custom solutions, and prescribing exactly how Aloware fits in, onboarding specialists at Sales Momentum make sure their customer teams feel confident in executing individualized Aloware workflows. 

“We train reps on the process we want them to follow, whether they’re the setters or the closers,” Platt says. “Beyond that, we have a support period where someone here familiar with the technology stays on to ensure success.”  

Driving growth through a strong tech stack 

According to Platt, most customers quickly grasp the value Aloware brings to their sales automation and become proficient with the platform. He says adding the right tools to your tech stack, leveraging them properly, and using them to identify opportunity areas can accelerate growth while saving revenue. 

“When companies are looking to scale, they typically spend more money on lead generation but don’t stop to look at their overall step-to-step conversion rates,” he explains. “If you use tools [like Aloware] to fix where your leads are falling off, you can reach goals.”

Platt adds that automating sales workflows with HubSpot and Aloware has helped many clients boost their lead to booking rates, meeting show rates, rebooking rates, and more. 

“It’s smarter to figure out where your ship is leaking and how to plug those leaks instead of just trying to move the boat faster,” he says. 

Charging towards a brighter future together

Aloware’s AI-driven business analytics—conveniently made available in HubSpot—are also critical for companies looking to improve their processes, Platt says. Just like many of their clients, Sales Momentum uses Aloware to track their own key data in HubSpot like call volume, lead to bookings ratio, and average time between touchpoints. 

“Because of the direct integration, we can pull metrics right into the HubSpot dashboard,” he says. “Other companies don’t send data to your CRM—you have to rely on their product to visualize reporting, and that’s always a nightmare.”

Platt adds that robust product functionality isn’t the only element of a successful partnership, however—-he also stays loyal to Aloware due to its uniquely supportive and innovative team. 

“A lot of companies are slow to improve their product, but Aloware does a really good job with overall product development,” he says. “Listening to their customers and making frequent updates gives them an edge over competitors.” 

He looks forward to maintaining the fruitful flow of communication and continuing to equip his clients with Aloware’s latest innovations.

“At the end of the day we’re going to use what we know we can bet on, and that’s Aloware,” Platt says.