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7 best strategies to help generate more real estate leads in 2022

best strategies to generate real estate leads

A solid real estate lead generation strategy can boost your business. Yet, many realtors still struggle to find the proper methods to attract potential clients. Luckily, the advent of new technologies is making real estate marketing much easier these days.

Real estate and lead generation in 2022

Agents often need to dedicate several hours a day to finding new leads through traditional techniques. That’s why more and more realtors are investing in new technologies that help them streamline the process — and who could blame them?

average monthly spending of realtors on technology to get real estate leads

Effective lead generation is a decisive factor when it comes to staying competitive in the real estate race. If you want your agency to stand out, you must get with the times and find better methods to up your real estate lead generation game. Read on to know the best real estate lead generation ideas you can benefit from in 2022.

7 ways to generate real estate leads in 2022

Long gone are the days when agents had to rely entirely on door knocking to generate real estate leads. The exponential growth of the internet in the past decades has brought a vast array of beneficial tools to expand your business much faster. Some of the lead generation methods you must keep on your radar this year are the following.

1. Building partnerships

Keeping it friendly with some establishments in your area can do wonders for your lead generation efforts. It will help you grow your professional network and expand your reach. The number of industries you can build productive and beneficial partnerships with may surprise you. 

You could partner with home insurance companies, commercial lenders, and personal bankers to recommend your customers. Doing so will position you as a proactive realtor that offers an all-around service. Besides, bringing business to these professionals could encourage them to refer some of their customers to you. 

Additionally, you could partner up with landscapers, cleaning services, and staging professionals to keep your properties looking their best and catch the eye of potential buyers. A partnership with your local bakery could come in handy when you need sweet treats for your open houses.

2. Using referral marketing and social proof

Word of mouth has been the lead generation method by excellence since the beginning of real estate marketing — or any type of marketing, for that matter. The best part is that it’s totally free. 

Referrals and social proof are the word-of-mouth of the digital age. They help keep you top of mind when the time to buy or rent some property comes. Referral marketing will allow you to incentivize your existing customers to recommend you to their friends and family. Social proof, on the other hand, will generate trust among potential clients via testimonials and reviews. 

3. Trying niche and customized PPC ads

Organic search is an excellent way to draw the right customers in. However, there is no shame in the pay-per-click (PPC) ad game. Buying online ads will help you place your offering in front of the most relevant eyes possible. This is especially helpful when you’re just getting started in the real estate business.

According to a report by the National Association of Realtors, 43% of home buyers start their real estate research online through their favorite devices. Customized PPC ads on the right platforms will allow you to expand your reach and generate more leads. Some of the best networks to advertise your business are:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Google

Additionally, you could answer niche questions on Quora or real estate forums. Don’t forget to create relevant sponsored content for local and national real estate sites. 

4. Learning local SEO

Search engines are perhaps the most powerful tool to leverage online these days. Yet, it will do nothing for you if your site is not visible. A regular search engine optimization (SEO) strategy can help you rank higher on search engine result pages. This will allow you to:

  • Build your online presence
  • Optimizing your site to draw local traffic
  • Stand out among competitors in your specific area

To make the most out of local SEO, find local keywords and incorporate them into your website and Google My Business profile. You’ll also want to submit name, address, and phone number (NAP) citations to industry and local sites.  

5. Using automated text marketing

People currently spend more time on their phones than any other devices they own. That’s why sending text blasts to your contacts will help you get the word out about new opportunities in real estate. 

strategies to generate real estate leads

However, manually messaging every person in your contact list could be tedious and time-consuming. Using a contact center solution to automate one-time or recurring text messages for your SMS campaigns is your best bet to streamline the process. 

6. Automating call backs

In today’s fast-paced world, customers are becoming increasingly impatient. Immediacy is key to keeping their business, so the faster you respond, the more likely you are to succeed. 

Studies reveal that answering right away increases your chances at lead conversion by up to 391%. So, to reduce lost leads, have your sales team contact people as soon as they show interest in one of your listings. 

7. Creating value-adding content

Crafting the right content is a great way to build trust and establish your industry expertise on the internet. You can use a combination of blogging, social media, video, and other content to offer added value to your potential customers. 

The best real estate lead generation ideas go beyond sales pitches. Aim to entertain, educate, or inspire your viewers to make them feel like they’re walking out with something new. Some good examples of value-adding content are:

  • Educational videos on how to pick the right property
  • Articles outlining your city’s best qualities
  • Social media posts about your newest listings

benefits of real estate content marketing to capture real estate leads

Use a contact center solution to connect with real estate leads

Aloware is an excellent contact center solution designed to help you boost your performance with automation features and unlimited calling and texting. Using Aloware, you can empower your sales team while helping them connect with up to 100 leads per hour.

Generating real estate leads is vital to stay afloat in this industry’s competitive landscape. A powerful lead generation strategy will position you as a real estate leader in your area. The guide above will help you find the most suitable methods to generate more leads and boost your real estate sales. If you’re ready to take the next step to close more property deals, visit our site and get a demo today.