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Boost property sales even during a global pandemic

The uncertainty brought by the current pandemic has begun to take effect. Restrictions on working conditions for the ‘new normal’ is turning a deadly shift in the worldwide market. Physical distancing has halted operations like open houses, home inspections, and even the construction of new properties for the real estate industry.

Real estate investments are expected to slow down. However, there’s a ray of hope for realtors, as a lot of people are becoming more eager to buy property amid the pandemic. Dropped in prices, shift in working conditions, or change in home location as more people tend to work from home are enough reasons to see an increase in homebuyers.

Now, the biggest question is, how equipped are you, as a realtor, to get these homebuyers close property investment deals amid all the threats of COVID-19? We’ve got these sales tips to help you out.


When selling a property, building trust is the ultimate deal to turn your leads into closed sales. Thanks to the internet, there are multiple means of communication, and ways to keep customers in the loop while building their trust in the process. 

If you’re using online tools to reach more buyers even before the pandemic, you should know how it can help you communicate your brand to them personally too. If you’ve managed to build social media pages, you can promote properties through photos or live videos. Use ads to cater to your target market. Utilize all online marketing tools that you can, like a fully online contact center platform to reach your customers.


Shift property inspections to virtual tours

One biggest challenge is how are you going to sell a property if there are physical contact restrictions. Take the shift from physical property inspections and turn it into virtual video presentations or live virtual tours. It’s going to take a little more effort, but it’s sure to add more selling points for you. Think of it as new marketing materials to add spice to your sales campaigns.

online communication around the world



Observe proper protocols

Sure, there will always be buyers who will have to take a physical look around the property they’re buying to see if it’s a good fit. It’s important to list the necessary protocols and send them to your client before a physical meet-up. Proper distancing, ‘No mask, no entry’ rules, sanitation procedures, and the like are important reminders you should inform your prospects before a property inspection. This also goes to show that you care for your clients’ safety.


Disinfect and sanitize before and after

Another thing that you should consider during these challenging times is how you should COVID-proof the properties you’re selling before and after a physical property inspection. Disinfect the floors, walkways, and door handles before you invite your clients in, and right after they go. This makes for a responsible realtor who prioritizes the safety of their clients.


Power up your sales team

Your outbound sales team will experience the biggest adjustments, that’s why you should look for ways on how you can help them. A contact center for your real estate business is one, but will that be workable during this pandemic? Maybe it’s time you know Aloware. Its tons of sales and support features will help you run your real estate business and keep crushing quotas without the need for physical contact. Aloware has a powerful sales dialer that is designed for real estate professionals.

For one, Aloware’s Power Dialer sets up your outbound sales and calls your leads in a single click. Promoting products is easier with an omnichannel platform that allows you to contact leads on any platform, including SMS. Beat the challenge of working from home with Aloware’s productivity and automation tools.


Ready to boost your property sales?

There’s no doubt Aloware can help your real estate business get ahead in times like these. Wanna see how Aloware really works? Our experts will be so glad to help you out. Schedule an appointment and let’s talk!