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Sales automation 101: Your guide to automating sales workflow

Sales productivity is a struggle for many companies and businesses, and for what it is, has become more rampant with today’s situation.

There are millions of productivity hacks and apps out there meant to increase work efficiency, but it’s a different thing for sales. Because the only way to measure a sales team’s productivity is through one – if they are hitting enough sales quotas.

Good thing technology has paved the way to answer these, and they did find a term for it too: Automation. But does it totally change the way everything you’re accustomed to doing? Is it worth it to dive into it headfirst? Here’s what you should know about automation for sales.

What is sales workflow automation?

Simply put, automation for sales is mechanizing routine, manual, and time-consuming sales tasks, and organizing them in a systemized flow through the use of software or AI. It’s typically what all technology is meant for: to make human lives easier.

Automation lessens human interaction. But in sales, it’s futile to totally eliminate human interaction, especially for luxury industries that protect high-value clients like real estate or auto retail. This is why finding the best software for sales automation requires an in-depth experience of how your customers’ purchase behavior is like before identifying which workflow to automate. 

The customer purchase journey differs from industry to industry. Before moving sales tasks into automation mode, you should identify which among these stages need to be automated or not. For us at Aloware, there are many ways we can help our users simplify their sales process from lead management to closing like below:

powerdialer updated flow

What’s in it for you?

There are a million reasons why you should switch to automation. These reasons don’t only concern you, but all the people involved in your business, especially your dear customers.

For Agents

Agents are the front-liners for automation processes and the ones who will appreciate the value of automation at once. For one, manual and routine tasks such as dialing numbers will be taken out of their hands. This saves them all the time and energy, letting them talk to more customers to build relationships with and close deals. After all, these are what they’ve signed up for.

For Businesses

Not only does automation double – or triple – your daily quotas and goals, but it can also save you money. Think about it – one software can do the tasks of 5 additional employees. Automation is efficient like that. Without the need to hire new employees to take care of other tasks, and with agents focused on closing deals alone, you’ll find great returns from automating your business.

For Customers and Clients

There has been a lot of hesitation when it comes to this. Are your customers really ready for automation? Our answer is to go back to identifying your customers’ purchase journey first. 

It’s true that it’s a case-by-case scenario. A retail business has higher chances to switch full-on automation mode more than luxury businesses like real estate or car dealerships. But that doesn’t mean they can’t. In real estate, for example, you can identify which of your sales processes are repetitive and doesn’t require human interaction– like broadcasting promos, emailing clients, or even dialing numbers. There’s so much more you can do with automation that meets the eye.

All sales automation tools in one

Now that you’ve seen how automation can help you move your sales, it’s time to look for the tools you need. Look no further because here at Aloware, we can provide features and solutions, tailor-fit to your needs – all in one place.

sales automation at aloware

Auto Dial and Call Triggers

Save more time and increase productivity with Power Dialer. We made it smart enough to help you get to valuable leads fast. Not only does it dial the number for you, but it also gathers up information of your inbound calls, and updates your data. It drops voicemail calls so you don’t have to listen to cold voicemails, and it does all these in as easy as one click.


We know how important follow-ups are for sales, but we also know how time-consuming it can be. Minimize your follow-up efforts and let Aloware do that for you. All you have to do is tag calls according to dispositions and automatically trigger a voicemail, a text message, or an email sequence.

Auto Workflow

Tagging calls do a lot of things in Aloware – like assigning them to different departments for follow up. This way, you’ll have seamless call designation inside your organization. For inbound, you can automatically route calls to specific agents or teams.

SMS Broadcast

It’s not surprising that your customers are big fans of texting – and for good reason. Text messages are the easiest way to get in touch with someone wherever they are. Most people – that includes your customers – have their daily lives run by phones, which leaves you all the reason to connect with them through text messaging. Easily broadcast promos and updates via SMS through Aloware.

Form Capture/Contact Triggers

A filled-up form can turn into an instant lead with Aloware. Once a user submits a form, Aloware automatically records it in our mini CRMfor nurturing. This feature provides hassle-free ways to get in touch with customers that are interested in your service or product.


All that said, allow us at Aloware to prove to you how automation can get the work done, easily and hassle-free. Businesses we’ve worked with have found our user-friendly automation tools handy and absolutely effective. Let’s talk and see how we can help you.