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How to successfully engage customers on mobile

It’s still amazing how one gadget can change the way we live. There’s nothing that can outshine the value of a smartphone. Surpassing the ‘trends’ phase, smartphones are now regarded as a need in today’s world. Luckily for businesses, this has provided more ways to win customers. As communication technology grows, more opportunities have started growing too. In this mobile-reliant world, smartphones are a reliable means for salespeople to engage with and sell to their customers.

The mobile market

With smartphones as everyone’s favorite thing, starting a business today is easier, cheaper, and more possible for anyone compared to before. 

Mobile has provided new ways to engage with our market, with smartphones as the ultimate medium. According to a US study conducted by Provision Living, an average American spends 5.4 hours daily on the phone, with 13% of millennials and 5% of boomers saying they spend 12 hours and more. With the increasing popularity of social media apps and other mobile functions, this can only go up as time progresses.

Now as a small business owner, how can you leverage your sales campaigns and be at the top of your customers’ minds on mobile? Here are some tips that you’ll find handy.

1 – Be present

Businesses today sure know the power of social media. This is also the reason why many small businesses continue to emerge, leaving customers so many options to go to. With this, to be successful in any business, you need to be present everywhere.

Start with a website, and then build your social media presence. However, with too much competition, leaving them stagnant is as good as not having any presence at all. Being present for customers today needs more work. 

Fix your website and make it mobile-friendly, so customers can navigate it with ease. You have to spend time managing your social media accounts, so you can engage with customers better. Offer customer support across platforms and make sure that each of them is being attended to by a friendly representative.

2 – Know your customers

Never go into a battle unarmed. The most important thing to keep in mind before entering the mobile sales world is knowing who you will be connecting with. Reaching out to mobile customers can be easy, but if done unintelligently, it can only be a waste.

Identify your customers. Find out their needs, their interests, the challenges they are going through, and their most desired wishes. With this, you’ll know better how to approach them and offer them a service or product they can’t resist.

Saleswoman showing contract to customer

As much as possible, veer away from seeing your audience from a demographics perspective alone. Today’s customer preferences are changing, and your product may not be as valuable as you think they are to your target market anymore. For example, a luxury car brand’s sales may be plummeting because it targets an older demographic which may have the means, but don’t have an interest in it. Instead, smart sellers who personalize their targeting well would think of getting the attention of a young elite market that loves flashy cars. They may not have the means for it, but they sure have parents who can.

3 – Target and reward

Once you’ve identified who your customers are, it’s time to strategize on your next steps. To be able to connect with your customers, you have to know how to play with their minds using their interests.

Woman hold the phone to enter the code to get a discount from the store

Abandoned shopping cart? Send your customer a personalized coupon with a time limit. This makes your product or service more irresistible than before. A customer purchased an item? Send another SMS with a complimentary offer. For example, if a customer bought a gadget, you can offer gadget accessories for a much lower price. 

There’s also one way to make them feel VIPs – ask if they want to sign up for an SMS loyalty program. This works both ways; aside from making them feel valued, you’ll have a more personal way to reach them whenever you have exclusive promos and discounts. 

4 – Connect every channel

SMS marketing and phone selling is an effective way to get your customers’ attention fast. However, when it comes to sales success, it cannot stand alone. Customers are more vigilant in checking information about the product and brand first before you can convince them to a sale. 

contact us scaled

This follows that to use SMS selling effectively, all other channels must be looped in intelligently. If you’re sending out promo through text broadcasts, be sure your SMS message will have a corresponding link they can click to learn more about it. 

Other channels you first used to reach out to customers must be mentioned during the first time you’ll be sending a message. Introduce yourself first, and add some information about how you got their contact details. Maybe you got it when they signed up on your website? Or after you kept in touch with them via email? This also means that you respect their privacy more than anything.

5 – Automate your text messages

The biggest reason why SMS marketing and phone sales are effective is that they target people on a channel that they most prefer. This should also follow that agents connecting with these customers should have access to the right tools they need.

Women hold the phone to enter the code to get a discount from the store. The concept of providing marketing services on the internet for easy access to information

Manually sending messages is a thing of the past. If you’re pushing your efforts for SMS sales and marketing, you have to get your team prepared for it. Automating SMS messages and broadcast is a surefire way to get your messages across without any hassle.

Keeping customers engaged is also another responsibility you should deal with. Getting them in the loop for updates, promos, and other important announcements are necessary for any business today. To stay on top of your customer’s choice, you should never lose your connection.

Mobile selling with Aloware

Businesses should be able to keep up with customers’ changing demands, especially on mobile. Aloware’s advanced contact center features make selling with mobile a breeze. With its easy automation set up, unlimited SMS, and more, you can fire up mobile opt-in campaigns in no time.

Aloware’s intelligent solutions put forward SMS automation. Send text broadcasts without any hassle by setting up message triggers from your contact list. With Aloware, you can enjoy sending unlimited texts to customers, all supported with MMS or picture messages.

There’s so much more you can do to boost your sales through mobile. Want to get started? Let’s talk!