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Why you should not only use one channel for sales

When we talk about closing sales, phone calls go a long way back in proving itself to be the best sales channel of all time. And it’s definitely true– in one call, you can inform a customer about your products and services, build a relationship, and close a deal as soon as they hang up.

However, customers are changing, and the ways on how they purchase products are something businesses and salespeople should be aware of. When cold-calling customers alone doesn’t cut it, maybe it’s time to turn to other channels that can bring your customer’s attention back to your business.


Sales channels for engaging customers

Gone are the days when single-channel sales prospecting is the bomb. Customers are everywhere and the way they want to be reached now varies in multitudes of factors. This is why when prospecting, the key to tapping all customers in your market is using the most effective sales channels strategy that customers prefer.

Omnichannel support

1 – Text Messaging for prospecting

Lucky for businesses, today’s customers are engrossed with one gadget they can’t live without – mobile phones. That’s why it’s no surprise to know that a high 90% of text messages are read within three minutes, rather than that of an email’s 26% open rate. 

Text messaging can be effective but you shouldn’t be wasting your lead’s attention by not knowing how to use this channel effectively. Remember, it’s a personal channel and the last thing you want is to send a spammy “Hello how are you” text message. 

In-text prospecting, especially if it’s the first time you’re connecting, you shouldn’t forget three things: Introducing yourself, telling them how you got their number, and showing your purpose. It’s also best to be courteous of their time, asking when they’d be most available to talk rather than pushing them to reply to you ASAP.


2 – Email for constant communication

Still effective for businesses to score customers, emails are best for communicating with your target constantly and consistently. The best thing about emails is that you can explore different content options on how to connect with customers.

With the email’s powerful nature, it’s the best channel you can use as the foundation of your overall sales campaign, supported by other communication channels. 


3 – Fax marketing for branding and promos

Is it still effective? Like cold calling, fax marketing is indeed an effective sales channel that you should not be missing. Best for political, non-profits, or real estate sales prospecting, that allows you to flex your branding design muscles with some breathtaking photos, vis-a-vis your goal and company mission.

The two P’s to make fax marketing cool again: Personalization and Post-script (P.S.) add some personalization note to your fax to know who’s best to address them to. P.S. works wonders for non-profit campaigns and prospecting that lets you add one final push to your purpose.


Aloware’s all-in-one omnichannel software

With all these communication channels deemed as effective tools for sales, here comes this struggle: how are you going to deal with all those at the same time? This is where Aloware comes in handy.

A seamless approach to sales and marketing, Aloware offers a sales omnichannel system that lays all these channels for you to use and manage, all in one place. It adds in texting, emailing, and faxing your customers into your prospecting. Campaigns are easily supported via Aloware’s complete contact center software that offers outbound and inbound calling on top of these.

Prospecting is easy without the need to manually log in contact details. Additionally, it combines data with your current CRM so you can use all data in one control. Everything you need, right in their proper place.


Ready to launch an omnichannel campaign?

Closing sales is no tough luck. Sales channels are smart platforms to connect and engage with customers, but they also come with responsibility. With Aloware, we’re taking this responsibility off your shoulders so you can focus more on engaging and talking with your customers. Hit us up so you can learn more about how our omnichannel features work.