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6 practical reasons why consumers prefer text over calls – Aloware

Business texting software” receives an average of 880+ unique monthly searchers online; that volume has increased a 100% in the last two years as businesses want to keep up with consumers’ preferences.

According to SHSO Vermont, adults under 45 send and receive approximately more than 85 texts each day.

In addition, the average American smartphone user sends and receives five times more texts than they make and receive calls. (Source: TextMagic)

Business texting software searches
Business texting software searches

These stats leave us with the obvious question: Why do consumers prefer text over calls?

In this article, we will discuss business:

  • Business text messaging.
  • Reasons consumers prefer text over calls.
  • Best practices for business text messaging.

What is business text messaging?

Business text messaging is a simple and direct way to reach prospects or customers through text messages. It is a form of mobile marketing and delivering customer service. 

Your business can use text messaging to send promotional messages, service updates, order confirmations, respond to customer inquiries, answer questions, and provide customer support.

However, to successfully handle business texting, you need software that runs these processes seamlessly without failing to comply with regulatory requirements.

Business texting
Business text messaging

The software should include features such as automated responses, message scheduling, and analytics to help track the effectiveness of messaging.

Business Text Messaging 101: Today’s consumer checks their messages in 3 minutes – and even better, text messages have a 97% open rate.

Business Text Messaging
Text message open rate

So, why do consumers prefer texting? Let’s look at the…

6 Reasons consumers prefer text over calls

Americans spend 26 minutes per day texting compared to 21 minutes per day calling. Also, 3 out of 10 consumers would give up phone calls to use messaging.

3 out of 10
phone calls vs. text messaging

Needless to say that consumers are massively shifting away from calls and would rather text your business.


  • Convenience and Options
  • Less intrusive
  • Saves time 
  • Record-keeping
  • Multitasking 
  • Customers need concise answers
why consumers prefer text over calls

Convenience and Options

As it’s usually said: “customer is king.” That hasn’t changed and won’t in the foreseeable future. You must give your customers/prospects what they want – convenience and freedom to choose the communication platform.

For some customers, a simple inquiry would only require a text reply may only merit a text reply, while for others, a phone call would be more straightforward.

It’s essential to provide options that make your customers feel free to reach you.

Also, a thing to consider is that consumers in noisy environments or a meeting would prefer texting over calling.

People pick the method of communication that fits their problem. 

Less intrusive

Consumers in a public place may prefer to text when discussing sensitive or personal information, such as their medical history or financial details.

Texting allows consumers to communicate without being overheard by others, making it ideal for discussing private matters.

With business text messaging software, you can give customers privacy and connect with them when they feel more comfortable sharing information.

Saves time

Your customers are busy and wouldn’t prefer spending minutes of their day on the phone over issues that could be communicated and resolved via text.

Suppose a consumer needs to resolve an order-related issue. A call will likely keep them on hold for minutes, and they will spend additional time explaining their problem when they connect to your agent.

With text messaging software for business, the consumer can quickly send a text message outlining their issue and receive a response from a representative within minutes.

Agents can access the consumer’s account information and provide a solution via text. Voila!


Texting can be helpful to consumers as it keeps track of conversations with your business and can help them follow up on appointments and purchases or provide a documented record.

For example, a consumer could contact your contact center to report a problem with a recently purchased product. 

The consumer may text the call center representative to avoid waiting on hold. 

Also, this keeps details of the issue, such as the product name, date of purchase, and reported issue, for reference.

While there is speech recognition and translation for IVRs, the written text makes it easier for any agent to follow up and solve the consumer’s issue.


Texting can help consumers multitask while communicating with your contact center agents, allowing them to continue working or running errands while waiting for a response.

For example, a consumer at a grocery store would find it easier to text while shopping around for items. It maximizes their productivity and optimizes time spent in a day.

From your contact center’s perspective, agents may be able to respond to multiple text messages at once, allowing them to help more than one consumer while also working on other tasks efficiently.

Suppose a call center representative handles a high volume of customer calls with various issues. The representative may feel overwhelmed and need help managing each call while maintaining high customer service.

However, if your contact center software offers a texting option, the representative can use this as an opportunity to multitask.

Customers need concise answers.

Frequently asked questions such as “where is my order” “ do you have this in stock” “how can I sign up” and “when are you open on Saturdays?” do not need a call.

Consumers want quick responses to these questions or concerns.

Business text software with AI functionality can provide your contact center with the option of auto-response to such questions via messaging.

While text messaging is an increasingly preferred channel for consumers, it’s crucial to follow best practices to avoid sending unsolicited messages.


What are the best practices for business text messaging?

As you try to implement or improve business messaging in your contact center, it’s vital to keep tabs on some best practices to optimize your communication and avoid sanctions by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

  • Get consent and provide an opt-out option
  • Personalize messages
  • Offer value and Be concise
  • Monitor responses

Always get the customer’s permission before sending text messages. 

This can be done by having them text a keyword or alphanumeric numbers to a specific number.

opt out
Opt-in text message

Also, you can add an opt-in option on your website for signups to newsletters, downloads of e-books, or during account creation, if applicable.  

The FCC mandates the provision of opt-out options. Hence, you must give consumers the right to stop receiving your messages.

Typical examples of opt-out messages are: “Reply STOP to unsubscribe” or Text *** to **** to stop receiving messages. 

Check out: TCPA Compliance Checklist

Personalize messages

Personalization is an excellent way to build a better business-customer relationship or sway a prospect.

Contact center software with CRM integration can help you achieve this.

Personalized text messages

Simple customizations like “Hi (customer name)…” adds a personal touch. You can also acknowledge their interactions with your business where necessary.

Please note that such messages could be creepy if implemented the wrong way.

A good example: 

Business Name: 

Hi Landon; thank you for stopping by today. 15% off your next purchase is on us. Use [coupon code] at checkout.

Reply STOP to Opt-out.

Aloware helps you break through the noise with contextualized messaging that allows you to send photos, emojis, and GIFs through one central mini-CRM. 

Furthermore, you can text utilizing the same area numbers to stand out from competitors and build more personal relationships with your prospects/customers.

This brings us to our next best practice.

Offer Value and Be Concise

Your messages should be concise and to the point. Keep the messages short and simple for easy reading and understanding.

Try to refrain from texting prospects or customers with the sole purpose of selling. Make sure that your messages provide value. 

Customers always have the “what’s in it for me” question at the top of their minds. So, it would be best to think of the value of your message from the customer’s perspective.

Value can be in discounts, promotions, money-can’t-buy opportunities, or other special offers.

Monitor responses

When dealing with customer complaints through messaging, monitor the messages and respond quickly to inquiries. 

Research by Suproffice revealed that customers (46%) expect companies to respond faster than 4 hours to messages. At the same time, 12% expect a response within 15 minutes or less.

Having these numbers in mind should help optimize your response time.

Quicker responses build trust and a good relationship with your customers.

Final thoughts

Texting as a contact center touch point provides consumers or prospects with options and enhances your agents’ efficiency.

Aloware’s business texting helps you securely send thousands of messages to your intended audience with verified numbers, improving your chances of turning leads into deals.